Welcome to Ragged Edge Consulting. To speak to a member of our team directly, call    07740 928590

Our Specialisms

Providing Professional Advice And Practical Support To The Ports And Transport Sector

Experienced And Insight Driven Consulting

Our Specialisms

Our team of consultants has experience of working on projects and assignments both in the UK and worldwide and our specialisms include:

Strategy and Policy

Acquisition and Corporate Finance

Port Operations and Management

Training and Staff Development

Project Development

Sales and Marketing

Business Planning

Port Development and Master Planning

Recruitment and Succession Planning

Cargo Operations

Business Development

Market and Competitor Analysis

Our consultants wide range of expertise provides the essential basis on which high quality advice and assistance can be given to prospective customers, contributing to improved standards of operation and performance in the international Ports, Shipping and Transport sector.

Because we are independent we are free of vested interest and therefore able to provide expert advice and recommendations  tailored to suit specific objectives, securing the optimum benefit for our clients.

Our consultants are accustomed to working independently or alongside a client's own team to provide short term specialist input and knowledge on a specific assignment.  This enhances an organisation's capacity to review opportunities or to undertake specific tasks without involving or over burdening personnel with additional tasks, providing a corresponding benefit in utilisation and profitability.